BridgeQI gets a new look!

BridgeQI gets a new look!

BridgeQI gets a new look

On April 1st, 2024, we launched a new look for BridgeQI. The look simplifies tasks and brings information to the user with the utilization of a variety of widgets.

Our goal with with BQi is to make it as intuitive as possible, so let’s have a quick look at some of the exciting changes:

Quick View

The quick view gives each user the ability to see instantly how many projects are active within their account.

My Projects: Displays the number of projects registered/started by you.

Team Projects: Displays the number of projects that you have access to as a value team member.

Shared Projects: Projects shared by teams on the BridgeQI network.

Cohort Projects: Displays the number of active cohorts underway and is now accessible by cohort participants in the Cohort Community View.

Users can now access project repositories by clicking on the View link below the displayed numbers.


System notifications are now displayed within the Home Page and provide users with important updates regarding system maintenance and new updates.

New Project Dashboard: Project Interface

The new project dashboard enables users to update a variety of key indicators. Let’s take a quick tour!

The Project Status can be updated and the software keeps track of these changes as it happens.

The project title, sponsors, operational leads and team members can now be edited within the dashboard. This automatically updates the digital charter when updated.

Team members with access to the project is now visible as a widget within the dashboard.

The ability to share the project with the BridgeQI network is now available as a separate widget.

Updating the change score just became easier by getting it’s own widget.

Teams can now compare their change scores with other projects in the organization by the addition of this dynamic live graph.

We moved the navigation bar to the right side column and integrated links to Miro and ARECCI here, when they are added to the project. The project links section can be minimized and is expanded by default.

We added a quick link section to allow users to move out of the project interface to other project repositories.

Users can now learn about the interface on their own by hovering over the 3 dots in the widget. This will bring up the information needed to learn more about that widget.

New Apps Display

One of core aims with BridgeQI were to bring provincial apps closer to the user. Let’s have a look:

  1. Microsoft Authenticator: Most of the provincial apps requires 2 factor authentication and using the Microsoft Authenticator is recommended.
  2. Outlook: All MD’s and dyads have access to a secure email account through the health authority. Accessing this from your home computer just became so much easier.
  3. MSTeams: This app will soon become the main messaging app for communication within the organization and is now available within the ecosystem.

The End

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Microsoft Authenticator

Download the app to your phone.


View your IHA emails from home.

MS Teams

Access MSTeam from your home computer.


Create beautiful media for your project.


Access the ultimate Whiteboard solution for teams.


Access ZOOM meetings


Capture and display your data.

Remote Apps

Sign in to PHSA remote interface.

My Qi Library

Your notes, links, documents and files when you need it.

My Hours

Keep track of your time when you work on projects.

My Action List

Keep track of your action items when you work on projects.

BQi Chat

Connect with members of the community.