BridgeQI Updates: 21 Dec 2023

BridgeQI Updates: 21 Dec 2023

Here are the latest updates!

Remember, BridgeQI is an innovative digital solution, developed by IHA physicians that simplifies the process of doing a PQI project while establishing a network towards change.

The Project Interface now includes a snapshot dashboard view.

A Change Score is now embedded in the project interface.

Updated project registration takes 3 clicks to submit, previously took 5 clicks.

Remember the My Hours feature that will save you time, until you are ready to submit your claim in PIP.

Instantly share your project dashboard with the BridgeQI Network and see highlights from other projects.

Links to REDCap, MSTeams, Outlook, Miro and ZOOM.

So, if you are ready to make a change, join us on the BridgeQI network and support us in taking a step forward to a better quality improvement culture within IHA.

What functionality is currently in the Project Interface?

The following functionality is now available within the project interface.

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Microsoft Authenticator

Download the app to your phone.


View your IHA emails from home.

MS Teams

Access MSTeam from your home computer.


Create beautiful media for your project.


Access the ultimate Whiteboard solution for teams.


Access ZOOM meetings


Capture and display your data.

Remote Apps

Sign in to PHSA remote interface.

My Qi Library

Your notes, links, documents and files when you need it.

My Hours

Keep track of your time when you work on projects.

My Action List

Keep track of your action items when you work on projects.

BQi Chat

Connect with members of the community.